Jul 2Liked by Bryan Fojtasek

I grew up in Iowa and helped “establish” several congregations in the 60s and 70s through campaigns. I have lived my life in Iowa and Nebraska and with a grieved heart have watched your synopsis prove true - and believe it will continue with the “graying effect” and the emphasis on inflexibility due to “being right.” Thanks for your heart and sharing it through words that nourish and sometimes warn. Both are necessary.

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It must be really hard to see churches you helped plant end up on that downward decline. One cool thing to think about is the ripple effect of their legacy that will far outlive their physical building and/or their existence as a local congregation. All the lives touched, messages shared, families impacted. That being said, my hope is that churches who are seeing some of these warning signs in their own congregations would choose to revitalize now so they can continue to be part of what God is doing well into the future.

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