Apr 9Liked by Bryan Fojtasek

I think we are taught to emulate the love and compassion of God in our lives as Christians. One verse that comes to mind is Romans 12:13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. I have personally experienced the compassion of the congregation at Southwest and it is bountiful!

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Absolutely! When God reveals his heart to us, he's revealing the kind of people he created us to be. You can make that connection from Genesis 1, that we are made in the image of God, and also Ephesians 4:24, that we are created to be like God.

Also if you look at the beginning of Romans 12 where Paul says "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice..." the word for "mercy" is another word that is often translated "compassion" in the New Testament. And guess what? That word for compassion in Romans 12:1 is the same Greek word for "compassionate" that is used in Exodus 34:6 in the Greek translation of the Bible (called the Septuagint). That's the version of the Old Testament that Paul and the other New Testament writers would have read and quoted from. So there is a direct connection between Romans 12:1 and Exodus 34:6.

All of that to say... Paul is teaching us that God's compassion is the reason we choose to offer ourselves as living sacrifices!

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I am grateful to be a child of God, knowing that his compassionate nature provides comfort and strength during those times I feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed.

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I appreciate being reminded about God's grace and compassion. I find it easy to lose touch with those characteristics of his when things go well for an extended period of time.

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